
The bestselling author, coach and sports physiologist

knows a thing or two about courage. He’d landed his dream job coaching the top runners in the world at the Nike Training camp when his bosses asked him to do test performance enhancing substances on himself in a dry run for doping athletes. When he finally blew the whistle on the program he got caught up in a multi-year trial that nearly cost him his career. According to many of the top athletes in the world: Magness was a traitor, not a warrior for truth.

On this week’s show I talk with Magness about the difference between courage and bravery, and the sacrifices it takes to put your own ethics above career advancement. His new book, Win the Inside Game, is the launching point for discussing a much bigger problem with what our collective responsibility is in relation to the rise of the MAHA movement where the surest way to personal profit means lying about results.

My favorite part of the whole conversation comes at the end when Steve gives a rousing pep talk to all the anti-grifters out there to never give up hope.

Here’s that excerpt (live on my YouTube page).

If you haven’t noticed, journalism is on the ropes recently. With layoffs across legacy publications, reporters like me are only able to keep the lights on with your generous support. Behind this paywall is a link to a video that I did on my YouTube backchannel about a declassified CIA document on instructing saboteurs to resist an oppressive government. I would love it if you would consider keeping me in business and signing on for a premium subscription to this channel.