CORRECTION: The first edition of this story stated that "Huberman is not actually a neuroscientist, but a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology". Astute readers pointed out that this was not accurate as "neurobiology" is a sub-specialization of the broader category of "neuroscience" in the same way that archaeology, cultural anthropology and medical anthropology are all sub-categories of the field of "anthropology". The confusion was my error.
I’m so tired, disappointed, and honestly angry with these so-called “gurus” who claim to have all the answers. Instead of truly helping, they make you feel like there’s something wrong with you if you can’t achieve what they claim to have done.
It’s frustrating because they make it seem so simple, like you’re the problem if it doesn’t work. And the worst part? They prey on that doubt, perpetuating this idea that you just need to try even harder, invest more time, or buy into more of what they’re selling to finally “achieve” what they promise.
And don’t get me wrong—many of these programs or methods do offer things that can be beneficial. But when their claims come with threats or dire consequences if you don’t follow their way, it crosses a line. That’s when I truly feel we need to be careful and wary.
True, they are humans like us. But ask yourself—would you coerce and manipulate the people around you? Would you knowingly exploit their insecurities to serve your own interests? That’s where the frustration lies: the lack of integrity and compassion behind these tactics.
It’s exhausting and disheartening. They thrive on your insecurities and keep you trapped in this endless loop of feeling inadequate. Personal growth shouldn’t feel like this constant pressure to measure up to someone else’s curated version of success. I’m just done with the manipulation and the false promises. True guidance should help you feel stronger, not keep you chasing some unattainable ideal.
CORRECTION: The first edition of this story stated that "Huberman is not actually a neuroscientist, but a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology". Astute readers pointed out that this was not accurate as "neurobiology" is a sub-specialization of the broader category of "neuroscience" in the same way that archaeology, cultural anthropology and medical anthropology are all sub-categories of the field of "anthropology". The confusion was my error.
I’m so tired, disappointed, and honestly angry with these so-called “gurus” who claim to have all the answers. Instead of truly helping, they make you feel like there’s something wrong with you if you can’t achieve what they claim to have done.
It’s frustrating because they make it seem so simple, like you’re the problem if it doesn’t work. And the worst part? They prey on that doubt, perpetuating this idea that you just need to try even harder, invest more time, or buy into more of what they’re selling to finally “achieve” what they promise.
And don’t get me wrong—many of these programs or methods do offer things that can be beneficial. But when their claims come with threats or dire consequences if you don’t follow their way, it crosses a line. That’s when I truly feel we need to be careful and wary.
True, they are humans like us. But ask yourself—would you coerce and manipulate the people around you? Would you knowingly exploit their insecurities to serve your own interests? That’s where the frustration lies: the lack of integrity and compassion behind these tactics.
It’s exhausting and disheartening. They thrive on your insecurities and keep you trapped in this endless loop of feeling inadequate. Personal growth shouldn’t feel like this constant pressure to measure up to someone else’s curated version of success. I’m just done with the manipulation and the false promises. True guidance should help you feel stronger, not keep you chasing some unattainable ideal.
This is truly inspiring work